An International Integrated perspective in palliative CARE for dignity and proper support in ageing and approaching end of life
The ICare project’s foremost goal is to create a resilient, compassionate, and inclusive palliative care community so that professionals, caregivers, and other citizens can acquire competencies in improving general health and life conditions for people facing severe diseases, mainly at the end of life.
In practical terms, a b-learning programme will implemented using podcasts, leaflets, and practice guides intended for health and social professionals and caregivers of people with palliative needs in the three countries that welcomed the project.
Keywords: Compassionate Communities, Death literacy, Palliative Care
Principal Investigator Carlos Laranjeira (PhD, MSc, MHN)
Research Team:
- ciTechCare: Ana Querido (PhD, MSc, MHN); Maria dos Anjos Dixe (PhD, MSc, MSN).
- CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization: Elena Gaicu, Ina Dreglea, Irina Adascalitei
- Kardinal König Haus: Patrick Schuchter, Johannes Jurke, Marianne Buchegger
Duration: 24 months (2023 – 2025)
Institutional Partners and Others
- CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization (Romania)
- Kardinal König Haus (Austria)
Funding: Erasmus+