Help2Care Pal
Caregiver's support in Palliative Care
Help2Care-Pal is an m-Health innovation project aiming to support the training of caregivers in self-caring and caring for their relatives in palliative care. The Polytechnic of Leiria and the Community Palliative Care Team Beja+ will evaluate, co-build and intervene, adjusting training materials and resources to better care for palliative patients at home throughout the end-of-life trajectory, preventing caregiver burden and complicated mourning.
Keywords: m-Health, palliative care, caregivers.
Principal Investigator: Ana Isabel Querido
Research Team:
- ciTechCare: Ana Querido (PhD, MSc, MHN); Carlos Laranjeira (PhD, MSc, MHN); Maria dos Anjos Dixe (PhD, MSc, MSN).
- Polytechnic University of Leiria (School of Technology and Management): Ricardo Martinho (PhD, MComputer Science); Rui Rijo (PhD, MComputer Science).
- Community Support Team in Palliative Care Beja+ : Cristina Galvão (PhD, MSc, MD); Catarina Pazes (MSc, CN, RN).
Duration: 24 months (2021 – 2023)
Institutional Partners and Others
- Community Support Team in Palliative Care Beja+
Reference: Project registered with IC21-00035 number.
Funding: Fundação ‘LaCaixa’