ciTechCare dedicates a session on management of respiratory disease and cough

On January 17, at 11am, the auditorium of the School of Health Sciences – Polytechnic of Leiria (ESSLei) received two well-known researchers working in the respiratory field who guided a session on “New Perspectives in the Management of Respiratory Disease and Cough”.   Ana Oliveira, Associate Professor at the School of Health Sciences and iBiMED researcher, both at the University of Aveiro was one of the invited speakers and shared her scientific knowledge on chronic cough assessment and management.   Rafael Mesquita, Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy and the Post-Graduate Program in Physiotherapy and Functionality, both at the Federal University of Ceara (UFC), in Brazil,

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Paper on serious games elected as one of the best papers from SeGAH 2024 

Recently, the paper titled “A Board Game Performance Index – a disruptive innovation to assess people with dementia with different apathy levels”, co-authored by Marlene Rosa, Susana Lopes, Natália Martins and Elena Lacomba-Arnau, was selected as one of the best papers at the 12th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH 2024), which took place at the Rectory Building of the University of Madeira, on 7-9 august.  The organizing committee invited the research team to submit an extended version of their work to be integrated in a special issue of the Games for Health Journal, dedicated to

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Researchers hold a symposium awarded at an international seminar

The symposium “The game as a new paradigm in healthy aging – a biopsychosocial perspective” was distinguished with the best symposium award presented by authors and researchers Natália Martins, Ana Tomé, Marlene Rosa and Susana Lopes, in the XVII International Seminar of Physical Education, Leisure and Health, at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo & online, on october 17 – 19. Based on their presented work, the authors had the opportunity to share, over 90 minutes, their vision on serious games, in particular themes such as games associated with risk of fall and depression,

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AGILidades is distinguished with the Good Practices Award in Active and Healthy Aging

The Spin-Off of the Polytechnic of Leiria, AGILidades, was recognized with the Good Practices Award in Active and Healthy Aging in the Knowledge+ category, at the 11th edition of the Congress on Active and Healthy Aging, held at the Convent of São Francisco, in Coimbra, 5 December. The main goal of the Good Practices Award of Active and Healthy Aging in the Central Region is to identify, recognize and disseminate projects and initiatives that aim to promote healthy lifestyles among the older population, and optimize the quality of life of older people. According to the team, “this award is a

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International assessment panel visits ciTechCare

On December 4, ciTechCare received an evaluation panel composed of 12 international academics to complete the evaluation process of the R&D Unit by the Foundation for Science and Technology, the funding entity, under the multiannual funding programme for R&D Units 2023/2024. During the visit, led by coordinator Maria Guarino, the evaluation committee had the opportunity to know the Health Innovation Hub and some of the ongoing projects and most prominent ones, such as 2ARTS, Veggies4myHeart, the Spin-Off AGILidades, and the OncoEnergy, OnTrack, Help2Care Pal, MICROBios, FRUIGU and CeliAct (TIV) projects. The visit ended with a clarification session addressed to integrated

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Pedro Machado concludes his doctorate at citechcare

On November 27, Pedro Machado successfully defended his doctoral examination entitled “OncoEnergy: Effect of a preoperative exercise training program on quality of life after colorectal and lung cancer surgery”, in Coimbra. He is the first research fellow who completed the PhD at ciTechCare. Pedro Machado has dedicated his research work to the study of the potential effect of physical exercise on postoperative quality of life in patients with colorectal and lung cancer, as a PhD student in Sports Sciences at the Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra and ciTechCare research fellow. His recognition has

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