The Polytechnic of Leiria is now opening applications for (three) scientific research fellowship (BI) within the project “MorphoPlay – Playful strategies for assessing morphological knowledge (2022.02585.PTDC)”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
These scholarships are intended for graduates in Speech Therapy, Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Clinical Linguistics or similar areas, who meet the enrollment conditions or already enrolled in a Master’s Degree in the field of Health, Psycholinguistics or Clinical Linguistics, who wish to develop research activities at ciTechCare- Innovation Center in Technologies and Health Care, aiming to obtaining a Master’s degree.
The duration of each research fellowship will be 9 months, scheduled to start in September 2023.
The work will be developed at ciTechCare, under the supervision of Professor Carina Alexandra Garcia Pinto.
Applications are opened from June 23 to July 6.
+INFO: https://www.ipleiria.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Edital-438_MorphoPlay.pdf