Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an evidence-based intervention for the management of patients with COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases.
Despite the well-established evidence of its benefits, PR is practically non-existent in Portugal. The few existing programmes have been developed in a hospital setting, with less than 1% of the ‘candidate’ patients having access to it.
Therefore, the project ‘Revitalizing Pulmonary Rehabilitation’ (3R – SAICT-POL/23926/2016), of the University of Aveiro in co-promotion with the Polytechnic of Leiria, has sought to increase access and equity in the health of this population through the development of PR programmes in the community and the dissemination of knowledge about PR at the national level, through the development of an online platform called ‘Reabilitação Respiratória em Rede’ (3R).
This platform is available at http://3r.web.ua.pt/ and it aims to help find solutions for a set of diseases that have inadequate clinical monitoring in Portugal. The 3R platform was presented last July 11th at the University of Aveiro, during the conference ‘Reabilitação Respiratória em Rede’.
Find more information HERE: https://www.ua.pt/lab3r/page/21357?ref=ID0EDCA or https://www.facebook.com/Lab3R/