Carina Pinto, principal researcher of the MorphoPlay project, José Ferrari Neto, Márcio Martins Leitão and Gustavo Lopez Estivalet, researchers from the Federal University of Paraiba – Brazil, working on the lexical and linguistic processing, gathered on the last science swing session that took place at the auditorium of the The School of Health Sciences (ESSLei), on November 28, from 11 am to 1 pm.
Researchers guided this session focused on speech therapy and linguistics and shared the projects in which they are involved, such as the MorphoPlay whose main goal is to create a test to assess morphological knowledge based on the assessment on reference values for reaction times to a lexical decision task.
This work was funded by Portuguese national funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. FCT/UI/05704/2020