Roberta Frontini, researcher at ciTechCare, collaborated in 4 oral communications presented at the XXI Conference of the Portuguese Society of Sport Psychology at ESECS, Leiria. The work was prepared in collaboration with students from the Sports and Wellness course, one of them being co-authored by the ciTechCare researcher Raúl Antunes.
Findings reinforce the importance of multidisciplinary work and are part of the study of the impact of COVID-19 in terms of physical and psychological variables, with the following titles:
– Dependence to exercise in practitioners of fitness modalities during COVID-19 lockdown;
– Prevalence of dissatisfaction with body image in gym practitioners;
– Anxiety and Subjective Well-Being in Exercise Practitioners: Exploratory Study in the Context of COVID-19;
– Exploring body image and well-being in female dance practitioners and gymnasts.