SAVETRACK enables to monitor patients at the urgent care

SaveTrack project aims to supervise and to alert health professionals about the essential clinic parameters of patients from the urgent care.“The project goes through the reconstruction and reorganization of the…

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Polytechnic of Leiria promotes Investigation International Seminar

Polytechnic of Leiria hosted, on 30th novembre, the first Collaborative Investigation Seminar CCISP-HES.SO, organized both from Portugal Polytechnic coordinator council (CCISP) and University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO), with…

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Integrating the family into nursing care

 João Frade and Carolina Henriques, researchers from ciTechCare and professors at ESSLei, were the authors of a study recently published in the Revista de Enfermagem Referência, entitled "Integrating the family…

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