Nádia Hipólito, a researcher at ciTechCare and former Physiotherapy student at the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria, published an opinion article in Diário de Leiria yesterday, December 30th, about the importance of “Being an informal caregiver and staying active during the pandemic”.
The researcher clarifies: “Informal caregiver is defined as someone who provides unpaid assistance to a family member or close person who, for health reasons, is unable to manage their daily life independently.”
Informal caregivers face many challenges, from the physical effort associated with providing care to the difficulty in reconciling personal and professional life, with consequences in their physical and mental health. Nádia highlights that “To provide quality care, the caregiver must preserve their health and well-being” and maintain an active lifestyle through regular physical activity.
+INFO: https://www.diarioleiria.pt/ (edition 30 December 2020)