ciTechCare is structured into three operational divisions that put its vision and mission into practice and establish a rich and diversified scientific environment with the expertise required to accomplish its aims. 

  • Scientific Committee
  • Coordinator
  • Joint Steering Committee 

The Scientific Committee is a collective body comprising ciTechCare members who hold a doctoral degree. The Coordinator has an executive role, representing the unit in all matters, being substituted by a designated co-Coordinator whenever needed. The Joint Steering Committee comprises one integrated member representing each institutional partner, assigned by the Coordinator to ensure an equitable distribution of responsibilities. ciTechCare organizational structure is supported by an external Scientific Advisory Board of invited international prominent researchers from the following scientific areas: Health Promotion and Care, Biomarkers and Clinical Engineering, and Nutrition and Food Innovation. Scientific Advisory Board provides annual feedback on ciTechCare´s activity plan and report, strategic advice in the unit’s main scientific areas, and mentoring in their area of expertise.

General Coordination

Executive Committee

Joint Steering Committee

Scientific Committee