Sara Dias, lecturer at the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria and researcher at ciTechCare, published on May 19 an article in Diário de Leiria where she presented the research project she is coordinating at ciTechCare, “Chat2Quit”, which aims to provide personalized support to help smokers stop smoking, within the academic community of the Polytechnic of Leiria. This support will be provided through a mobile application for smartphone, Chat2Quit, using innovative science-based strategies.
Sara highlights that “In Portugal, tobacco contributes to one death every 50 minutes, and one in four deaths in the 50-59 age group is caused by tobacco” and that “According to WHO, the smoking pandemic was responsible for death of 100 million people in the 20th century. If not controlled, it can kill one billion people in the present century.” This project aims to respond to this addition and has the collaboration of students from different areas of knowledge, ranging from statistics and epidemiology, psychology, informatics, to dietetics and nutrition.
More information HERE (edition 19 May 2021).