On February 14 2018, the ciTechCare received the visit of Professor Chris Burtin from the University of Hasselt, Belgium. Professor Burtin is a physiotherapist with a PhD in the field of rehabilitation in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. He is a worldwide recognized researcher in this area with several indexed publications (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chris_Burtin).
Currently, he is a lecturer of the Physiotherapy course and holds a postdoctoral position at the University of Hasselt. He is also a researcher of the Rehabilitation Sciences Research Group (REVAL-BIOMED) of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of the same institution. He is also President-elect of Group 09.02: Physiotherapists of the European Respiratory Society (ERS – he will take up this position in September, at the annual congress of ERS).
During his visit, possibilities of scientific and pedagogic cooperation between IPLeiria and UHasselt were discussed, namely the development of potential projects and joint initiatives integrated into ongoing/future research projects of the ciTechCare and educational consortia through the ERASMUS+ programme (the bilateral agreement has already been concluded between the two institutions). Thus, the visit of Prof. Burtin was an excellent opportunity to promote scientific cooperation in the area of health sciences between ciTechCare and an international partner.