From 19 to 21 of April, the University of Lisbon hosted the first face-to-face meeting of the “Oral Health Cooperation Partnership”. The project, that received funding in 2022 through an ERASMUS + grant, aims to improve oral health care for vulnerable patient groups by training students attending schools of oral health, social work and nursing.
The meeting that gathered the representatives of all partners – Hogeschool Inholland (Inholland University of Applied Sciences), ACTA (Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam), University of Montpellier, University of Lisbon, Polytechcnic of Leiria (School of Health Sciences (ESSLei)) – allowed to discuss the tasks for the next steps of this project.
The Polytechnic of Leiria was represented by Luis Soares Luis and Maria dos Anjos Dixe, both ciTechCare researchers.
After three days of interprofessional work, the next meeting will be in Montpellier.
This work was funded by Portuguese national funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. FCT/UI/05704/2020