ciTechCare was present at the NursID 2018 – International Nursing Research Week

NURSID International Research Week 2018 is an event joining together researchers in Nursing organized by NURSID – CINTESIS. The research week occurred on July, 9th to 13th, organized in workshops, 8 thematic seminars, project exhibitions, doctoral students’ meeting and an international congress, composed by poster presentations, oral communications, conferences, round tables and debates.

The aim was to provide a space for sharing knowledge, experiences and evidences resulting from research, in order to foster the opportunities for establishing partnerships between researchers, with emphasis on research projects under development in the NURSID Group of CINTESIS and UNIESEP.

Ana Querido attended the week and presented Help2Care – a ciTechCare project and presented an oral communication focused on The self-care needs of the dependent person at the time of discharge from an acute care hospital.

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