ciTechCare has another publication by invitation, this time a Clinical Commentary about an article where a web platform was developed to optimize self-management after Pulmonary Rehabilitation in people with chronic respiratory disease. This Clinical Commentary was authored by Joana Cruz, lecturer at School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria, and researcher at ciTechCare, and was published in the scientific journal Physiotherapy Canada (Journals – University of Toronto Press, doi: 10.3138/ptc-2019-0110-cc).
Joana highlights the importance of this type of digital solutions in supporting patient self-management and identifies some difficulties encountered during the implementation of the platform, such as patients’ adherence rates and satisfaction with the platform. Although promising, the results highlight the need to involve the end-users in the design of this type of solutions to meet their real needs and preferences.
+INFO (Commentary):
+INFO (Paper):