
ForPharmacy aims to develop telepharmacy solutions to promote new pharmacy services, focused on well-being and disease prevention, remote health management, and medication therapy management. This project will contribute to the creation of a new concept, where the pharmacy is presented as a hub of personalized health, promoting the integration of information between different healthcare professionals, patients, and devices. This will be based on machines learning techniques and IoT technology for remote monitoring of patients. Therefore, the project will address a societal area of concern which is the improvement of health care systems.

Keywords: Telepharmacy, Herb-drug interaction, Respiratory diseases monitoring

Principal Investigator:
Maria Pedro Guarino

26 months (2021 – 2023)

Institutional Partners and Others:
Instituto Politécnico de Porto (IPP);
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP);
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO).

Site: forpharmacy – GLINTT | INOV (