The Association for Research and Development of the Faculty of Medicine (AIDFM) opened a call for 3 Research Scholarship, intended for nutritionists, under the project “A Randomized Controlled Trial to evaluate the effects of the Mediterranean Diet as an adjuvant in the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder” (PTDC/SAU-NUT/3321/2020), financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
The research scholarship in the scientific area of Health Sciences – Nutrition and Dietetics is intended for professionals with a bachelor degree in Nutrition Sciences, Dietetics or Dietetics and Nutrition, enrolled in the Portuguese Council of Nutritionists.
The duration of the scholarship will be 18 months, not renewable, starting in the next month of June.
Work can be developed in three of the following institutions: Environmental Health Institute of Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Beatriz Ângelo Hospital or ciTechCare – Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology.