Flávio Costa

Institution Polytechnic University of Leiria
E-mail flavio.p.costa@ipleiria.pt
ORCID ID 0000-0003-1733-8983 | CIENCIAVITAE 5F1E-C8C6-3388
Research Interests antimicrobial resistance; Celiac Disease; Gut Microbiome
CV Synopsis
Flávio Costa is a Research Technician. He holds a BSc and MSc graduation in Biochemistry. He was hired in the CeliAct(TIV) project: “Translocation, Inflammation and Virulence: dissecting mechanisms of gluten-microbiota interactions in Celiac Disease”, funded by Beyond Celiac Foundation. Under the project scope, he is currently at the Celiac Disease Research Center, University of Tampere to study the gliadin-microbiota influence on gut epithelial inflammation.