Jéssica Gordo

Institution Polytechnic of Leiria
E-mail jessica.j.gordo@ipleiria.pt
ORCID ID 0000-0003-0204-4616 | CIENCIAVITAE 6612-E47B-9B4D
Research Interests: Women’s health; respiratory chronic disease; physical activity; physical rehabilitation.
CV Synopsis
Jessica Gordo has a BSc in Physiotherapy and postgraduate studies in Osteopathy, with clinical experience in both areas, focusing women’s health and pelvic conditions. She’s a research fellow at ciTechCare, in the project “OnTRACK: On Time to Rethink ACtivity Knowledge: a personalized mHealth coaching platform to tackle physical inactivity in COPD”. Jessica is currently enrolled in a MSc degree in Physiotherapy in Women’s Health.