Poster presentation at Oncofit – From Sports lab to cancer clinic

The second edition of Oncofit – From sports lab to cancer clinic happened last March 18th and 19th, at North Rehabilitation Center.

Oncomove and Research and Supportive Care in oncology Association (AICSO) were the organisers of the event whose aim is to promote the discussion about the importance of physical exercise role as a therapeutic approach in oncology.

Several articles have been published highlighting the scientific evidence about the benefits of exercise training as supportative intervention in people with this chronic disease.

Pedro Machado represented ciTechCare by presenting the poster of the article “Effect of perioperative exercise training on quality of life and fatigue after lung and colorectal cancer surgery: systematic revision and meta analysis”, in which Sara Pimenta and Joana Cruz are also coauthors.

The researchers concluded that perioperative exercise training enhance the physical domain of quality of life and reduce fatigue after lung cancer surgery. However, this evidence couldn’t be proved after coloretal cancer surgery. Furthermore, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) programs reveal a higher therapeutic effect than continuous aerobic training programs.

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