
CeliAct(TIV) project aims to advance the knowledge of Celiac Disease pathophysiology by dissecting mechanisms of gluten-microbiota-immune system interactions.

One aim is to characterise the bacterial microbiota structure of Celiac Disease patients and their first-degree relatives. Are there distinct features in a Celiac Disease patient? What are these bacteria doing? Do they impact gluten digestion?

Another aim is to contribute to the understanding of gluten-microbiota-immune system interplay. Do bacteria influence gluten digest presentation to the immune system? Do they contribute to gut inflammation and gluten or bacteria translocation?

Avoiding gluten is currently the only method for thwarting intestinal damage, relieving symptoms and preventing complications. But eating even the tiniest fraction of gluten immediately re-triggers symptoms and intestinal damage in most Celiac Disease patients. Moreover, around 30% of Celiac Disease patients still have symptoms despite avoiding gluten and having no alternative treatment for their disease.

Keywords: Celiac Disease, Gluten digestion, Microbiome

Principal investigator: Sónia Gonçalves Pereira

Research Team:

  • ciTechCareAna Isabel Roque; Catarina Reis; 
  • Chemistry Center of Coimbra University of Coimbra: Daniela Cipreste Vaz (Co-PI)
  • Celiac Disease Research Center of the Tampere University: Katri Lindfors
  • Harvard Medical School: Alessio Fasano
  • Príncipe Felipe Research Center: Alfonso Benitez 

Duration: 36 months (2023 – 2026)

Institutional partners and others:

  • Chemistry Center of Coimbra University of Coimbra
  • Celiac Disease Research Center of the Tampere University (Finland)
  • Harvard Medical School (USA)
  • Príncipe Felipe Research Center (Spain)

Funding: Beyond Celiac