Functional foods in health and disease
Functional Food project is a permanent offer of technical-scientific consultancy in Nutrition to local agri-food industry partners for the development of functional foods framed to the nutritional interests that these partners intend to explore commercially. The formulated products are nutritionally optimized to provide health benefits to consumers by replacing harmful ingredients and incorporating value-added ingredients. In the future, we plan to validate these health benefits through clinical trials. To date, several products were already developed: new coffee blends (eg: addition of silver skin byproduct to increase fiber content, optimized roasting and minimally processed coffees to increase the content of the antioxidants trigonellin and chlorogenic acids) and new regional and traditional products adapted to obese, celiac, diabetic and hypertensive patients (eg: gluten-free Caldas da Rainha cookies, pea and apple muffins from Alcobaça without added sugars, brownies with West rock pear and peas without added sugars, pie with purslane rich in omega 3).
Principal Investigator
Vânia Ribeiro
96 months
Institutional Partners and Others
Ernesto Morgado
Delta Café
Pastelaria Pires