Developing an intelligent privacy-preserving tool to track infection risk in long-term healthcare units to support infection prevention and control
Developing an intelligent privacy-preserving tool to track infection risk in long-term healthcare units to support infection prevention and control” project plans to develop and test an algorithm to predict the risk of infection in long-term care unit patients using deep neural graph model approaches, supported by real-time clinical and environmental information.
Keywords: antimicrobial resistance; artificial intelligence-based predictive tools; infection prevention and control
Principal Investigator: Sónia Gonçalves Pereira
Research Team
- ciTechCare: Catarina Marques;
- Polytechnic University of Leiria: Filipa Amorim
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland: Douglas Teodoro
- University of Geneva: Racha Gouareb.
Duration: 12 months (2020 – 2023)
Institutional Partners and Others
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
Funding: FCT