
E-therapeutic intervention program for obese adolescents and their family

The main objective is the development, implementation and evaluation of a program for the treatment of obesity in adolescence, based on e-therapy and based on the methodology of case management.

It aims to promote weight management skills, health knowledge, and adoption of healthy lifestyles by increasing interactive contact between adolescents, their family and clinical team through increased and interactive contact between adolescents, family and clinical team. It includes four complementary studies::
(E1) diagnosis of the situation
(E2) platform usability assessment
(E3) evaluation of program effectiveness and
(E4) evaluation of the behavioural change process during the e-therapeutic intervention.

The main benefits will be: reduced BMI z-score and increased adherence, quality of life and healthy lifestyle profile.

Keywords: Adolescent Obesity; E-Therapy; Family; Treatment

Principal InvestigatorPedro Sousa

Research Team

  • ciTechCare: Pedro Gaspar
  • University of Lisbon
  • Lusófona University

Duration: 30 months (2013 – 2015)

Institutional Partners and Others

  • Universidade de Lisboa-Association for Research and Development of the Faculty of Medicine (AIDFM) (Coord.) (ULisboa)

Reference: PTDC/DTP-PIC/0769/2012

Funding: FCT