Joint Integrated Assistance Process
Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is the leading cause of cancer death in Portugal. Developing a Joint Integrated Assistance Process (PAI) allows the execution of early actions that prevent the development of neoplasms or their resection in stages and allows the constitution of a multidisciplinary team. This project proposes the orientation of patients diagnosed with CRC for the specialized functional unit (Colorectal Surgery Unit-UFCCR) responsible for clinical and therapeutic guidance. In the UFCCR patients will be guided according to the PAI-CRC and will enter into the prospective and observational study for the early detection of anastomotic failure, when the enteric anastomosis is considered in the therapeutic plan. The purpose of the PAI-CRC and the screening are integrated into the health system interface.
Principal Investigator: Nuno José Gomes Rama
Research Team
- ciTechCare: Maria Guarino; Marlene Lages
Duration: 36 months (2019 – 2022)
Institutional Partners and Others
- Unidade Local de Saúde da Região de Leiria E.P.E. (ULS Região de Leiria)
- ICBAS-School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto
Funding Ministry of Health (Incentive Program for the Integration of Care and Valuation of Patients’ Pathways in the National Health Service)