Silver Stories

SILVER STORIES is a partnership of 9 organisations from 6 countries. It brings together expertise in digital storytelling, education, community engagement and education to train professionals working with community groups and elderly people. It flows from EXTENDING CREATIVE PRACTICE and comparable activity which demonstrated the efficacy of digital storytelling as means to engage older people and marginalised groups in the use of ICT.
SILVER STORIES trains professionals rather than community groups. During the project in Portugal, several elderly people living in the community and institutionalized produced and edited their stories on video. The aims of the project are to:
– Adapt and transfer learning methods from ECP across the whole partnership and extend it to two new countries and, working to provide VET for a new target professional group – i.e. trainers and employees working in the caring professions across the whole partnership.
– Establish a means for Digital Storytelling to be incorporated into the on-going training of professionals in all the partner countries.

Principal Investigator
Maria dos Anjos Dixe

Research Organization
University of Brighton, UK
Digital StoryLab, Denmark
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Trapezio, Portugal
Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
The Progress Foundation, Romania
Mitra, Slovenia
Centre for Urban and Community Research (CUCR) Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
DigiTales, UK

24 months (2013 – 2015)

Institutional Partners and Others
Coordinated by: University of Brighton, UK

European Commission’s Learning Programme, under the Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong
Transfer of Innovation sub programme
Project No. TOI 637
Grant Agreement No. UK/13/LLP–‐LdV/TOI–‐637