Research on accessibility, a path to functionality, autonomy and inclusion – a science swing session

On october 23, aTOPlab, Assistive Technology and Occupational Performance Laboratory, from ciTechCare hosted a Science Swing session on ‘Research on Accessibility, a path to functionality, autonomy and Inclusion’, at 2:30 pm.

The session was led by several speakers whose presentations was focused on their academic, professional but also personal background, on inclusion and accessibility, since among the participants there were people with visual impairments.

Mariana Baierle, PhD student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, with specialization in applied linguistics, is still conducting research at the aTOPlab, throughout the month of October, as she was selected in a Capes Print call for the award of short-term scholarships. Rafael Santos is a specialist in Strategic and Competitive Intelligence, a member of the Association of Blind and Low-Vision People of Rio Grande do Sul (ACERGS) and a blind activist, who shared his presentation with Marta Neves, PhD on the Postgraduate Programme in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Luís Vicente, Senior Technician at aTOPlab with a master in special education in the cognitive-motor domain and recognized by his work in the field of social inclusion, was also part of the speakers painel.