Miniaturized wireless devices for continuous monitoring of patients in emergency settings
The SafeTrack project aims to produce an innovative, economically competitive, non-invasive, wireless and user-friendly device, validated in a real-life scenario.
The ultimate goal is to optimise users’ safety and improve the quality of services provided in medical emergency conditions.
SafeTrack has been designed for patients in acute situations in hospital emergency departments, thus enabling the management of these services to be optimised, through the development of a device for continuous wireless monitoring of users in the emergency department to assist health professionals in the early detection of occurrences. The device can be used in fast responder environments, generating alerts for specialized teams to go to the patient’s location.
Keywords: Urgency, Vital signs, Wireless Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Maria Pedro Guarino
Duration: 29 months (2021 – 2023)
Institutional Partners and Others:
- epfmédica – ArtigosARTIGOS Médicos e Hospitalares, LDA
- Unidade Local de Saúde da Região de Leiria, E. P. E.
- LIDA – Research Laboratory in Design and Arts