Application for a FCT PhD Scholarship – Campus 5 O’Clock Talk

The last session of Campus 5 O’Clock Talk, on the 9th of March, was dedicated to share some tips and strategic points for those who are preparing an application for a FCT PhD scholarship, that must be “clear, consistent and coherent”. 

Marlene Lages and Nádia Hipólito, ciTechCare researchers that received a FCT PhD scholarship, led the session, highlighting the most important tips.

This year the FCT will provide 400 scholarships for a non-academic setting, an innovation that can bring companies and PhD fellows ideas even  closer.

Until the end of march, it is essential that the applications point out the academic and professional experience, the definition of the project’s milestones. It is also crucial to have a well-defined work plan and a concrete definition of the included tasks of the project.


This work was funded by Portuguese national funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. FCT/UI/05704/2020