Flávio Costa participates in the largest global meeting on celiac disease

The research technician working in CeliAct(TIV) project, Flávio Costa, participated in the biennial meeting of the International Society for Study of Celiac Disease (ISSCD), the largest global meeting in the field of celiac disease and gluten-mediated human disease, for health professionals, researchers, scientists and others important entities, such as the food industry, which allows understanding the disease, from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The symposium was held in Sheffied, UK, from the 5th to the 7th of September 2024, where Flávio Costa had the opportunity to present the e-poster “Celiac Disease Related Gut Commensal Bacteria And Its Potential In Degrading Gliadins,” showing that celiac patients and their 1st-degree relatives have gut bacteria that digest gliadins, the most immunogenic gluten proteins. 

Project “CeliAct(TIV) – Translocation, Inflammation and Virulence: dissecting mechanisms of gluten-microbiota interactions in Celiac Disease” is coordinated by Sónia Gonçalves Pereira,  ciTechCare researcher and is funded by Beyond Celiac Foundation, a USA non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness and advancing research in Celiac Disease.

Flávio Costa is currently investigating inflammation-related gut microbiota-immune system interactions at Katri Lindfors’ laboratory at the Celiac Disease Research Center, University of Tampere, Finland, one of CeliAct(TIV) project international collaborators, focused on a multidisclipinary research on gluten-induced disease entities ranging from epidemiological and clinical studies to genetics, immunobiology and microbiology.