The Polytechnic of Leiria is now opening applications for (twelve) scientific research fellowship (BI) within the project “MorphoPlay – Playful strategies for assessing morphological knowledge (2022.02585.PTDC)”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
MorphoPlay will be a morphological knowledge assessment test for children from the 2ndto the 4th grade of the 1st cycle, with the aim of being applied in the clinical practice of Speech Therapists andeventually in the classroom, by Teachers of the 1st cycle. Candidates will contribute to: collectinglinguistic data in schools, with children in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the 1st cycle of basic education withneurotypical development.
These 3 open calls are in the scientific area of Health – Medical and Health Sciences; Health Care and Services; LanguageSciences and are intended for undergraduate students of the areas bellow.
The work will be developed at ciTechCare, under the supervision of Professor Carina Alexandra Garcia Pinto.
The applications are opened until September 15, 2023.
Call for 3 initiation Research fellowships
Undergraduate students of Speech Therapy Courses, who wish to develop research activitiesat ciTechCare – Center for Innovation in Technologies and Health Care.
5 months, not renewable, starting on 11/2023.
+ info*:
Call for 4 initiation Research fellowships
Undergraduate students of Speech Therapy, Psychology, Language Sciences, Linguistics,Educational Sciences or related areas with mandatory training in linguistics, who wish to develop researchactivities at ciTechCare – Center for Innovation in Technologies and Health Care.
3 months, not renewable, starting on 11/2023.
Call for 5 initiation Research fellowships
Undergraduate students of Speech Therapy, Psychology, Language Sciences, Linguistics,Educational Sciences or related areas with mandatory training in linguistics, who wish to develop researchactivities at ciTechCare – Center for Innovation in Technologies and Health Care.
3 months, renewable for 1 month, starting on 11/2023.