Fruit-based innovative gummies: a health-promoting and sustainable approach
Globally, one-third of food produced is lost or wasted, highlighting the need for sustainable solutions. Portugal, in particular, experiences significant fruit residue generation. These residues, rich in nutrients and potentially bioactive, present an opportunity for valorisation.
The main goal of this project is the development of innovative and appealing food products with potential health benefits: gummies as a sustainable and health-promoting approach, through the valorisation of residues from locally produced fruits (‘Alcobaça’ apple and ‘Rocha’ pear).
Integral to our approach is evaluating the most promising gummies’ in vitro potential to inhibit enzymes implicated in diabetes pathophysiology and other diseases. Sensory analysis supported by electroencephalography will assess gummy acceptability among target populations, which may include individuals at risk of developing diabetes. Concurrently, a food design approach will ensure the development of gummies with optimal size, format, and visual appeal.
Keywords: Biological activities; Experimental planning; Food Design; Food residues
Principal investigator: Marisa C. Gaspar
Research Team:
- ciTechCare: Cidália Pereira; Luís Luís; Marlene Lages; Maria P. Guarino; Rafael Pinheiro; Rui Fonseca-Pinto
- LIDA: Sandra Neves; Renato Bispo
- RochaCenter: Ana Cristina Rodrigues; Catarina Brito; Cláudia Oliveira
Duration: 36 months (2023 – 2026)
Institutional Partners and Others:
- LIDA – Laboratory in Design and Arts
- RochaCenter – Center for Post-Harvest and Technology, ACE
Funding: FCT