GENetic and clinIcAL markers in COPD trajectory

GENIAL aims to determine the role of genetic mutations associated with the development and trajectory of COPD and to identify the clinical markers (e.g., dyspnea, number of exacerbations, lung function, exercise tolerance) capable of detecting acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD). Specifically, the project aims to:
1-Characterize clinical markers and 13 genes and explore their associations in patients with COPD;
2-Define clinical and genetic differences between patients with COPD and healthy people;
3-Determine the role of the mutations of the 13 genes in the behaviour of clinical markers over time in patients with COPD;
4-Investigate the sensitivity of clinical markers to detect AECOPD and changes in patient’s health status, over time;
5-Investigate the genetic profile’s impact on physiotherapy effectiveness in AECOPD.

Keywords: COPD; exacerbations; genes; genetic mutations; physiotherapy

Principal Investigator: Alda Marques – University of Aveiro

Principal Investigator@ ciTechCare: Joana Cruz

Duration: 36 months (2016 – 2019)

Institutional Partners and Others

  • University of Aveiro

Reference: PTDC/DTP-PIC/2284/2014

Funding: FCT