Sharing Christmas without fear
Sónia Pereira, researcher at ciTechCare, published on December 10 an opinion article in the Jornal de Leiria on the importance of complying with security measures against COVID-19 during Christmas and on the impact that this ‘new world’ will have on our future. Sónia stresses that “With the arrival of Christmas, now conditioned by this new world, what I wish is that we can all share it, without fear, with each other, in safety” and indicates some measures to be taken to make Christmas safer for everyone. Read full article HERE.
Use of technology and research to promote better health
This week an interview with coordinator of the ciTechCare, Maria Guarino, was published in the PORTUGAL em DESTAQUE edition of Semanário SOL, where the plan to create a differentiating project in Leiria aimed to improve health research was presented. Through research projects and a set of initiatives promoted by the unit, the research unit intends to promote a closer encounter between the industry and health institutions and, in this way, create innovative solutions to everyday problems. Read full article HERE.
The Invisible Pandemic – Chronic Disease
Marlene Rosa, a teacher at the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria, and researcher at ciTechCare, published on December 2 an article in the Diário de Leiria entitled “The Invisible Pandemic – The Chronic and Disabling Disease”. Chronic diseases are non-communicable diseases, which last throughout life and have no cure. The researcher highlights the impact of chronic disease in Portugal and worldwide and reinforces the need for “being attentive to this reality, to the despair and the needs of these people at critical times, such as the ones we live in. For most of us, this reality lives in
Highlights of the ERS Congress from the allied Respiratory Professionals’ Assembly
ciTechCare has another published article in “ERS International Congress 2020 virtual: highlights from the Allied Respiratory Professionals’ Assembly”, this time co-authored by Joana Cruz, a researcher at ciTechCare and teacher at the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria. This article is part of the work developed by the researcher in her new position as representative of the “Early Career Members (under-40) of Assembly 9-Allied Respiratory Professionals” of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), a position she will assume during the next 3 years. This article summarizes some sessions (co)organized by Assembly 9 at the ERS virtual Congress, which took place
Pierre-Fabre and Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria Outstanding Publishing Award
Patrícia Sofia Ferreira Miranda, Joana Margarida Gonçalves Aquino, Ricardo Miguel Patrício de Carvalho Monteiro, Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe, Alexandra Maria Branco da Luz and Pascoal Moleiro won the 2019 Outstanding Publishing Prize awarded by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria and the Pierre-Fabre company with the paper entitled “Comportamentos sexuais: estudo em jovens” published in The Journal Einstein (São Paulo).
ciTechCare members and Professors of the Health Science School received award
Carolina Henriques, Elisa Caceiro, Maria Luísa Santos and Sónia Ramalho, professors at the Health Sciences School, Polytechnic of Leiria, saw their oral communication based on the investigation on the field of Conflict Tactics in Young Love Relationships awarded at the 10th ASPESM International Congress, 2019 which took place between October 29-31 at the Portalegre Polytechnic.