D&D – Diabetes e DPOC

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a highly prevalent chronic disease characterized by impaired glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia, which can result in dysfunction of various organs and systems of the body. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), in turn, is characterized by progressive and irreversible airflow obstruction, resulting in respiratory symptoms (e.g., dyspnea) and systemic manifestations (fatigue, muscle dysfunction, exercise intolerance, among others). Previous studies have shown that people with severe and very severe COPD are at greater risk of developing T2DM, and the relative risk of developing COPD is increased in patients with T2DM when compared to non-diabetics. Although the nature of this association is still unclear, one of the proposed mechanisms is the chronic inflammation underlying both diseases, being known that both diseases have an impact on the body composition and functional status of patients, which contributes to a worse prognosis. In this sense, the international guidelines identify nutritional counselling, education, and physical exercise as crucial intervention components for people with T2DM and COPD. However, it is unknown whether the coexistence of the two diseases has a more significant impact on body composition, nutritional habits and functional status of patients, which may have implications in the design of future personalized interventions. This study aims to explore the impact of the coexistence of T2DM and COPD on body composition, nutritional patterns and functional status in people with both diseases when compared to people with T2DM without COPD. As a secondary objective, we intend to investigate whether the presence of COPD influences the health-related quality of life of people with T2DM.

Keywords: T2DM; COPD; Functional status

Principal Investigator: Joana Cruz


ULS- Região de Leiria:

  • Alexandra Vieira
  • Ana Carolina Saraiva
  • Bruno Cabrita
  • João Machado
  • Nuno Vicente
  • Raquel Oliveira
  • Denise Velho

Duration: 2022 – on going

Institutional partners 

Funding: Work financed by the Emílio Peres Scholarship 2022 –  SPD – Portuguese Diabetology Society